Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Time to Say No

I added this image for a very specific reason. Just look at this guy; look into those eyes. He wants you to think that you can trust this face, trust this man to look after our best interests. If you study this face closely enough, you can hear what it is really saying. "Fools!"

I am not usually big into politics, as I find the political jungle we call Canada quite tiresome. 5 parties (at least), weak candidates, same old message. A bunch of school-kids shouting names at each other across the floor of our Parliament (yes, it's supposed to be ours!), taunting each other instead of doing the business of Canadians.

I am not trying to promote one particular party or candidate, as everybody has to make these decisions on their own. But what I AM suggesting you do is decide what place you can take in Harper's Canada. Because, believe me, a Harper-led majority government will slowly turn this country into a police-state, where the ideals and values THEY hold close to their hearts will be thrusted upon us, whether we like it or not.

Harper and his Conservatives have drawn their line in the sand, and are betting you will take their side. But what have they done for the average Canadian? You, me, the guy down the street. Where do we fit in?

Are you a single parent? Finding it hard to get a daycare space? No surprise. One of Harper's promises in the last election was to create daycare spaces for all of our kids. Where are they? He has since sidetracked somewhat and given us a subsidy for daycare. How has that created more spaces?

Are you a gay/lesbian/transgendered person? Don't you realize that you are subhuman, perverse in nature? At least that is what Harper et al think of you. The first thing he did when elected P.M. was to run the same-sex marriage/benefits rights granted to you through the House for a vote, just in case there is a chance this terrible legislation can be repealed. Lucky for you the opposition actually banded together to uphold it.

Are you involved in the arts? A writer, film producer perhaps? You had better make sure your message fits with what Harper feels is morally acceptable, or you won't get your government grant. What ever happened to the freedom to express one's self without the concern of being censored? It will disappear completely, my friends, when Harper and the Conservatives gain majority power.

I can obviously write for hours on the wonderful policies this man and his 'buddies' want for our country. Basically, they want to tell you, Canadians, how you should live. They want to monitor your every action (See future post on this blog that will be entitled 'Bill C61: Are they serious?'), protect American interests over your own, and turn the clock back on civil liberty and freedom to a time when everybody did what they were told by government and the rules of a 'moral' society.

My little boy is not at the age for daycare yet, nor am I gay/lesbian/transgendered. I am not an artist looking for assistance in getting my ideas out to the world. However, I am a Canadian who feels that all people should be able to live their lives as they see fit, not how government tells them it should be.

Our freedoms and liberties we enjoy in this country were won over many years of hardship and suffering. How will we get them back when we start to concede them? This process will happen little by little, our rights will erode slowly away like the sands of a beach, until we all wake up one day like "Winston" in Orwell's 1984, doing the job we are told to do, eating the food that government says we must, and wondering what it must be like to be FREE.


~Stardust~ said...

When I consider the terrible record of the Harper government while it was operating as a minority, it horrifies me to even consider what he would do with a majority. It would set our country back socially by decades. I agree with Danny Williams on this one (though not for all the same reasons!), ABC (Anything But Conservative!!).

Joy said...

I agree totally with the ABC campaign,though not for Danny's reasons.
We cannot let that man have total control over Canada or we'll be back in the dark ages,especially us, as women. Very good piece Albert!